
Ceramic veneers

ציפויי חרסינה הם שכבה דקה של חרסינה המודבקת על גבי המשטח הקדמי של השיניים. הכנת השיניים לקבלת הציפויים מינימלית ובכך נשמרת החיות של השן.

Ceramic veneers are in-fact a thin layer or porcelain, cemented to the frontal surface of the teeth. The preparation is minimal; therefore, tooth vitality is maintained.

Certain cases can benefit a great deal from such a treatment, improving tooth color, shade, size and shape. With the help of veneers we are able to achieve a healthier look that fits well with other teeth. The case before you is of Oron, a 20 year old soldier that was complaining about darkened teeth and two small teeth at the front of his mouth( pictures 1-3). Oron has asked to not treat the gap between his teeth at this stage. Treatment began with an esthetic analysis, whitening of the upper arch, visualization of the desired result on a wax model (picture 4). Later we copied the work to his mouth with a temporary material without any preparation in advance (picture 5). This is an important step for us to determine if the patient is pleased so that we can move on to the final stage of treatment. After approval of the of the patient we moved on to preparing the teeth( picture 6). It is important to state that the preparation for a veneer is much less invasive than the preparation that is done for a full crown. The final result (pictures 7-11) was achieved in a relatively short amount of time. The small teeth were replaced with natural sized teeth that fit well with the rest of the teeth in Oron’s mouth. The new smile is looks good and complements Oron’s face. After the treatment he can now smile freely.
